building a Blaster motor?


New Member
Feb 28, 2008
Well, I do have a great big cr500 motor sitting here which was given to me, but that will take tons of work to pull off and i'm not even sure if I could do it. what I want to know is would it be worth it to sell the CR motor and build the blaster motor? I wanna be able to hang with some faster bikes.. maybe a +3 stroker and a port/polish and redesigned head. what kind of power (roughly) would it make?
a good port with that stroker should get you mid 30's for hp. which is a pretty healthy amount in a blaster chassis and brings the hp up to par with say the 250r
a good port with that stroker should get you mid 30's for hp. which is a pretty healthy amount in a blaster chassis and brings the hp up to par with say the 250r
so its like stock banshee hp in a blaster frame? I might have to sell that cr motor then haha
If I had a chance to redo my building I wouldn't put a Big Bore in. You dont have much room for wear and tear then. But the +3, porting, and piping are probably the best things I did on the Blaster.
if i could get my hands on one i'd put a dt200 motor in mine.

but i'd do a +3 crank that has been trued and a good aggressive trail port, along with a powerpros, ct, trinity, or f7 pipe whichever you can find the cheapest. add a 30-34mm carb depending on where you have it ported at for the power and then you'll have a pretty solid combo
pics and price of the cr motor, hahahaaa