Contest! Win a new Factory7 Exhaust!!!

I have been thinking of the fact that there are some new members on that list but I don't think new members should be disqualified just because they came in late and still had their share of great posts. I will definitely just pick completely random name from top 20 and will not consider the length of time they had been signed up for. One thing I can do is I think that the winning member should at least still be active on this forum so I will not send him a direct e-mail but post it in this section and wait for a week for him to reply to it, which is the best I can do.
I have been thinking of the fact that there are some new members on that list but I don't think new members should be disqualified just because they came in late and still had their share of great posts. I will definitely just pick completely random name from top 20 and will not consider the length of time they had been signed up for. One thing I can do is I think that the winning member should at least still be active on this forum so I will not send him a direct e-mail but post it in this section and wait for a week for him to reply to it, which is the best I can do.

Good idea. Im sure no one would have a problem with that.
The Winner of a BRAND NEW Factory 7 Exhaust system is... billG!!

You have 7 days to make a post in this section accepting your gift. Also, Pm me with the following details: color (look - and complete home address.

The winner has been chosen completely at random from the following -list- at the time of draw. Please note that if the winner does not respond to this thread within 7 days a redrawing will take place.
i haven't seen him on for a long time, give him time........ this was his last active date 07-19-2007