Blaster VS Suzuki DR-z 125

I never had any experience with the suzuki 125, but my friend has a honda 150f and I can smoke him in a drag. His bike is still a lot of fun to ride, but it just doesn't have the snappiness at all compared to my blaster.
wow talk about wasting money.. buying it then saying your pretty sure youl want a 2stroke agian.. you want a four stroke pit bike??
wow talk about wasting money.. buying it then saying your pretty sure youl want a 2stroke agian.. you want a four stroke pit bike??

Exactly don't buy it, get a 2 stroke screamer you wont regret it. and don't get a 250f way too much maintenance.
My son has a 2008 klx140. my blaster smokes him every which way possible. bottom and top end. trails and down the street. but im not gonna lie. when it snowed a week ago i rode the sh*t out of it. really fun bike just not enough balls. (blaster in the shop. getting taxes back soon but not soon enough.)
Id get a 2 stroke 125. That dr is a trail bike and not a race bike. The dr weighs a lot more and you can do 4top ends to rebuilding a 4 stroke. That said, the dr is very durable but not quick.

John in Vegas
that would be ridiculous, you will regret buying a drz125 i promise you. the bike is meant for 12 year olds, not 18 year olds, that suspension is going to be done for in about a month. they have like 8-10 hp, for the same or less money you could buy a nice bike, built for your size and age, with 30 hp. and suspension that wont break your tailbone from going over a bump (true story) an rm, cr, kx, yz, or 125sx. that drz is gonna get old in about three weeks.