Bent rim. Possible Fix?


May 31, 2010
k i went riding today. it was dusty, REAL DUSTY, so you could barely see the trail. i was riding and managed to clip a rock with the lip of my right front rim. ripped the handlebars right out of my hand. now there is a slow leak in the tire and i need to fix it.

my question is:

can i hammer the bend out of the rim? its not crushed in or anything just bent outwards.

also if i do bend it back in, will the leak stop or should i put some silicon calking or something on there to seal it first?

lastly, if none of that is going to work will a bottle of slime in that tire fix it?

if it helps i can get pics tomorrow

really? slime and caulking?

If the rim is aluminum, you will have to have it repaired by a company that has a rim roller. The machine rolls the rim back into shape by rolling it with a shaped wheel progressively shoving it back into shape.

Steel wheels can be beat back into shape using a few basic tools. A body dolly and a planishing hammer can be used to work the wheel back into shape but only once the tire is off that bead because the dolly needs to be behind the lip.

If you still have a small leak, rubber cement works VERY well once the seat is clean.
the bend doesnt bother me other than the fact that it leaks. you can see right where its leaking the dirt is gone from a small spot. so rubber cement would fix the leak? its not fast by any means i rode probably 4 more hours and not much pressure was lost
so lemme make sure i get this right. put rubber cement over where it was leaking and use the ball peen to slowly work the bend back in?
rubber cement or silicone works great on leaking beads. as far as breaking the bead there are many ways to do it. i would say look on you tube to see just how people do it. its kinda hard to explain
i think i am just going to use the cement or silicone and see if that stops the leak. if it does i may try to bend it back in but i dont feel like messing with breaking the bead and such. i may get it fixed right if im already changing tires or something in the future
i bend rims daily even the top of the line rims i bend,due to our rough terrain here, just take a huge plastic or brass mallet and bet it back into shape, wont damage anything worse than it already is
i think im gonna end up pounding it in. but i think im gonna take it one step at a time and fix the leak then i will deal with the bend
damn man, i did the same exact thing a week ago except i caught a stump and it threw me off, my tire luckily stayed seated, i jus took a hammer and put a rag on top of the bend and tapped it back down, u can still see a small bend, but its fine for now till i get new rims