+4 swinger


Jun 11, 2009
I just bought a stock swinger off ebay to make it into a +4. It would be my luck if i tried fabricating the only one i had it would get messed up, just playing the safe route on this one. Anyone run into any snags while making theres? and how long much longer will the new chain have to be? And I want to get a small front sprocket to help with wheelies.
Should be here in a couple days, I'll post progress pictures when i start

edit: my bad for naming it the same as another thread
It's not that hard of a project to do. If anything is a little harder I'd say doing the shock mount. But if you can weld its not hard.
I've been reading and saved some photos of the other guys swingers, I'm still not sure of how i want to mount it... I think i want it to leave it the same distance it would be stock, i like the way it looks with the new shock (z400) how its jacked up alittle
hmmmm thats weird normally people put a longer swing arm on so the front tires stay down..

I just want a longer one b/c i think it looks cool and will make the 4 wheeler a little bigger. I might go with top end just depends on how i like it when i get it back from the shop
the new swinger came in today. Hopefully I'll be able to start the project tomorrow, depends on if the guys i know, that are good with welders, are going to be at the shop.
some pictures of the swinger and the z400 shock


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This is my setup, pretty backyardish but should work just fine(not rode yet). I believe i can take the stock rear shock and flip it upside down and it will lower it way down but im not sure what that leverage would do, might make the shock too soft, not a great pic but might give u an idea