super noober
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  • crib is comming along nicely.. i had to replace the drainfield and have been on that mission for a couple days.. 14ft by 25 ft 6 ft deep through clay.. lol
    now were building some wooden decks on the place ill see if i cant get some pics and shoot you a update in a few.. how u been? have i missed anything good on the forum?
    well, he is going to have reconstructive surgery soon, to hel stop the scars from forming (not sure when yet)
    and he was over at one of his moms friends house, it was there dog (they found it on the side of the road) so the animal control came and took it to have a rabies evaluation done..
    he is dong fine.... they just let hi out of the hospital today, the infection is completely gone

    it looked horrid when it first happened, he had about a 2inch gash right under his left eye and 2 1 1/2 inch gashed on his cheek. they are as deep as a full grone pit bulls teeth
    yea man , issen just worried that ill will order it and they will say thats its back ordered forever..but it doesnt say anywhere that they are outta stock so ill try giving them a call sucks cause i dont wanna put a another wossner kit in it
    Hell No! I'm a little pissed about that but, 79 Bronco still havent gotten his from july! So I just gave up on BOTM. I know that the mods and admin's have regular lives and jobs, but i think if ya can't handle it get some help! But Oh well, whatever i still love this site and the peeps on here!
    dude do ya know anything about race karts? wel there engines really.. or doya know any1 who dose if you dont?
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