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  • I couldn't respond to the one, JoeAK47 did a good job. I did PM Quadrider10 and told him to watch out for Rich, that he's a bumbling idiot. BTW, you're comment about the guy should get the rough end of a pineapple....I teared up I laughed so hard, which I don't normally do.
    No worries.

    Plug chop.

    Warm up motor to operating temp.

    Fit new B8ES plug, ride through the gears and hold WOT in 5th or 6th gear for 10 seconds, or as long as you can safely.

    Switch of the motor and pull in the clutch, roll to a stop.

    Take the plug out and replace the old one for the ride home.

    Carefully cut the threaded end off the plug to expose the insulator.

    There should be a smoke ring of a cardboard or biscuit colour around the insulator.

    If it is non existant or a very light colour, you are lean and require a larger main jet.

    If it is a lot darker you are rich and may go down a size in main.

    I prefer to run a little on the darker side, I may loose a little power but it is worth it for the peace of mind that I won't need a rebuild so soon.

    Have fun, Re Gerry
    So are you saying that if I post a very large sig pic, or a photo the forum will automatically resize.

    If so that would be a great bonus, because the large sigs and massive pics that are posted, costs me a fortune as I am on a very slow sattellite connection.

    Good work, I hadbetter click on the green stuff.
    There is a plugin for the forum that does that, one of the new features to come in the new update.
    do the reeds in a blaster make a big enough difference to stop my blaster from running if one is broken
    because you "old farts" can share your infinite knowledge, and let my young mind can sponge it up! haha
    Thread deleted by request of midlifecrisis. Budget_Blaster received a warning and user infraction. He publicly apologized. Next infraction is a 10 day suspension.
    Leg is progressing well, can walk pretty good now , but the wound is still soft and not healing well.
    We can buy from the supermarket, Steaks, roasts, mince and sausages.'

    I dont get them from the wild as the Roo can be a host to a tape worm that not only lives in the gut, but in the flesh as well.

    We ate some snake the other night, pretty good too.

    Next thing I want to try is Echidna, but I have to look up my Aboriginal mate, as only they are allowed to take them.
    Hows that leg doing?? My son is a butcher "Votec" highschool degree and is going to make Elk sticks, like beef sticks, for his final. He tried to get some Roo but it was wayyy to expensive his teacher said! My wife said she would be willing to try it, which shocked me as she has never eaten anything out of the ordinary! So I'm on a mission to find roo steaks here in the states!
    To see a young guy that seriously wants to work, but is not given the chance really saddens me..
    My son and I are in a really comfortable position in life.

    I am not able to compete any longer owing to age and old joints, but I still ride on the practice track on our place.

    Nothing delights me more than eating my lads dust, and I do that more often than not.

    I now sponsor him for MX and can claim it back on tax for advertising, so consider the parts as a mini sponsorship.

    I dont brag about it on the forum, but have been in the auto scene for a very long time mainly racing two strokes and speedway saloon cars. I have forgotten more about engines than most young fellas know, as the basics are still the same. Frames and suspensions are a different matter as they are always coming up with something better and I just cant keep up.

    Anyway you just enjoy, and you owe me nothing other than a look at the video.

    Re Gerry.
    I just ordered a complete Cometic top end gasket set, and a Wiseco top end bearing. Thanks again man. I cant express how I actually feel over the internet. But I cant thank you enough. Its seriously awesome of you to do something like that. If you ever need anything, let me know.
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