

New Member
Jul 13, 2009
decided to get back into lifting weights, does anyone here lift if so what supps do you take, any you reccomend to use oir steer clear of? im ok for protein and creatine but any other that are good for gains. cheers
when i was lifting i would use celltech and nitrotech as far as supplements go but i also maintained a diet high in protien and carbs, beef,chicken, potatos, rice stuff like that. and i also drank almost two gallons of water a day and i also used flax seed oil it has omega3,6, and 9 and its good for your joints,tendons, and muscels and just overall good for you. the nitrotech will get you some crazy gains real quik
The creatine is useless, all it does is make your muscles retain fluid, so basicly it gives you a false size, so you will look bigger but actually won't be any stronger, an once you stoo taken it you will lose that size right away,
depending on how serious your getting into the whole lifting....i took a high calorie protien, testosterone booster and an estrogen blocker(yes men make small amounts of estrogen) a preworkout, and a post workout drink....its also good to take a good mens multi,, are all good places to get supplements from...and this may be a bit overboard but if you are serious about lifting and take a testosterone shouldnt masterbate....cuz if you do your just flushing testosterone right down the toilet...
you shouldnt masterbate....cuz if you do your just flushing testosterone right down the toilet...

not true there is no clinical proof to show that sex or masturbation reduces testosterone. i mean c'mon its part of what makes you a man and if you caint do those things then get up and work out or perform in sports then you just suck at life. your body makes the right amount of testosterone on its own, unless you goto the doctor and you have abnormaly low levels there is no need for boosters. the main thing besides supplements is just hard work and diet.
cheers guys, im guna look into the nitrotech. i always was told that creatine adds strength not size and isnt a water retainer but im not sure now.
i used to be into it quite a bit, the strongest thing i took was a superdrol clone cycle, i stacked drol with milkthistle for about 4 weeks. made huge difference in strength and i definetly got bigger, on the pct i had inhitbit-e and anabolic extreme PCT, worked great.
but that is a bit harsh ive got about 3 cycles of it left b ut im guna leave it until im ready again. im definetly liking the idea of the nitro tech.
but for now im guna keep up the diet, take my 3 shakes a day and get some aminos.
with you being in europe you deffinatly can get better stuff than us in the U.S. we have are govtment regulating everything