Interesting Drag engine question


New Member
May 19, 2011
Northwest Ohio
Hi all Id thought Id bring up an intreguing question to the table tonight. Is there any 2stroke engine in production anywhere of any kind that is a 4cylinder 2stroke and can be put into a banshee frame? I've seen 3cylinder 2strokes on banshees but thought it's be bitchen to see 2 drag pipes on both sides of a banshee. is it even remotely possalbe.
I'm sure it's possible.i have seen a Harley motor in a quad before.. and there are two stroke 4 cylinder bike motors out there.. as far as modification to the frame of a shee and how to mount the motor i think there should be enough room... not sure though...tell you what i got the fame and all you get the motor :),,,... i would prefer this one.... its a yamaha too.. Special Yamaha: four cylinder two stroke.
you could just run a banshee motor with a spliter on each side I:I

do they have 4cyl sled motors in 2 stroke???
I dont think so but if I can pick up a banshee roller for $100 and an fresh 4cyl 2stroke snomobile engine and plenty of welding time id be in heaven designing the cradle for the motor even though the propultions would confuse me(never tore apart a sled) i dont think they do because designing a crankshaft for a 3 cyl. 2stroke is a nightmare for most to begin with
I would check out sled engines.
i did they for shure make 3 cyl. 2strokes and 4cyl. 4strokes sleds and everyone knows how cheap slightly older sleds are.
^^^ oh thats sexy except his pipes look stupid should do something different with them
yea totally agree and a 600 aint that big in the world of super bikes
I PMd the guy that makes those cases. There is over 40 hours of machine work in just the "standard" 2 cyl cases.

Tho the Aaen engine is a sno-mo, still like to see it mated to something like an R1 tranny.