Changing the gear oil doesn't fix everything.

It did have a bent fork and a tooth is sheered on both 1st and 2nd but I went ahead and ordered a whole new tranny setup and im picking another parts blaster tomorrow. These things are like candy ($50.-500.) for running bikes here.
just fitting in to the madness..... I guess I should assume most the world lacks common sense. especially since NO one has mentioned or noticed that I am blastincummins.... dont try to pretend you knew..... imbackBC...... ????? hahahaha but atleast I got a few helping thoughts before I get banned again. Ill figure it out myself, im not a kid who needs others to it for me. I just figured since there was a forum specifically for blasters id see what yall had to say. I got exactly what I was thinking.... Nothing but a hard time.
BTW, I have found the issue/s and parts are on the way. Its not my first 2stroke rebuild and it wont be the last. Holler kids

.... We're not as dumb as you think. Everyone here knew it just wasn't worth mentioning.

I also genuinely hope that you don't come back. You had an issue (but have already found it), asked a question, got basic "canned" reply, complained about it, got banned for your langauge, came back, continued to complain, insulted several members, and then finally admitted you have already found the issue but didn't say what it was. You have actually proven yourself to be a troll.....
The post should been treated exactly a it was. The poster didn't know anything about the engine or bike, new carrier bearing (why just one) supposedly a new clutch, a new topend, bored little if any. These were some obvious signs that you didn't have a clue, changing the fluid was the logical first step, which you had already done but didn't bother stating in your question. FYI, the more information you give the more you get in return. I'm 80% sure I know what your problem is, I had the same symptoms as you stated and fixed it. I asked a friend of mine, who is a bike tech and he told my either one of 2 things it could be or a combination of both. Judging by you disposition, I suppose you have no friends and the web your only option. I'm glad you have it figured out and I'm glad you have decided this is not a forum you want to be a part of. Good Bye.
more ignorance...... If someone asks a specific question on a serious problem, they have probably checked all simpler options. Oils, clutch plates, chain, etc... Its called common sense. tripleB, go color something. No man that has had sex would use womens rearends as thier profile photo nor would they make a reference to KY in an atv forum. I suggest you go twitter yourself using that KY.

banned twice in 24 hours....sweet I:I
3rd time earns you a very special prize, i'm ready when you are !
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If blasterforum had a like button like facebook i woulda used the crap out of it while reading this whole thread!

on the serious side, im glad he figured it out and im also glad that he will most likely not come back for help. what a jerk!
Same thing happened to me!!! I k ow exactly what to do! Take off your left grip and ride for an hour or so and it'll be good
I know exactly whats wrong but you'll get nothing from me dik.
Learn respect and manners shesh. You make fun of the kids on here but they are more mature then you are B)