BTOM voter prize?

YZ Otis

Sep 24, 2007
Oregon coast
How bout using a random number generator to select a voter in the BOTM contest to win a membership. I'd put up $20 for the first couple months & maybe other peeps or sponsors would chip in. Could be good exposure for a sponsor. Probably be a pain for admins but would increase BOTM participation. It might be a fun experiment.
good idea, or how 'bout the sponsor put up a $10 gift certificate, they make money off this site too
Was thinkin keep it simple. A little more $ for the site. If a sponsor wanted their name on the contest it should cost considerably more.

i offered cbaber to cover all winners memberships from botm winners.......and still havent got a pm back yet

If I had know that I wouldn't have started this thread. Just stirs up the whinners.
it seems like all these ideas but nothing gets done around here...

cbaber already told us why he said that this site costs $200-$300 a month to run and hes only getting $80 a month in supporting member fees...

might have something to do with the lack of progress
How bout using a random number generator to select a voter in the BOTM contest to win a membership. I'd put up $20 for the first couple months & maybe other peeps or sponsors would chip in. Could be good exposure for a sponsor. Probably be a pain for admins but would increase BOTM participation. It might be a fun experiment.

heh, this is definitely a very interesting idea... Although maybe a bit hard to impliment, might be worth it. So any more prize ideas or just cash?
$80 versus $2-300 to run, sounds like alot more of these deadbeats on here that get all this info and support from us need to start coughing up the measley $10 a year membership dues, i may even have to start filtering my help to bro's that pay????
lets go peeps pay your dues or this great place aint gonna be around!!!!!!!!
$80 versus $2-300 to run, sounds like alot more of these deadbeats on here that get all this info and support from us need to start coughing up the measley $10 a year membership dues, i may even have to start filtering my help to bro's that pay????
lets go peeps pay your dues or this great place aint gonna be around!!!!!!!!

yea maybe non supporting members should only get so long for free and then they gotta become a supporting member?whats anyone think about this?