Blaster Exhaust Pipe Question???

i dont think so buddy.

the f7 is a top end pipe the power comes on way up the the rpms

the shearer comes on way faster in the lower rpms

i tend to disagree, i have damn good low end on my power pros and the power rolls on smoothly all the way through the RPMs, it def smoothed out the power band hit that i had with my FMF and DG... yet it added more on top, for my bone stock motor, def the biggest bang for the buck

my blaster doesnt mind being bogged now

btw, FMF and most other left bend pipes have no over-rev (besides sheerer)
Right bend pipe is sexier! Power pro's all the way. Can't wait to try it out hopefully this weekend! They also sound good too (deeper).
why are you guys obsessed with sound? what happened to power? any a/m 2 stroke pipe sounds good IMO. i already posted my thoughts on the best low to mid pipe
Ok guys if i don't buy used i'm def getting a shearer. But for used i'll just have to c wat they have at the place where i'm gettin my used tires. Can anyone walk me through the jetting procedure? Like i said its just gonna b aftermarket pipe and i wanna take airbox lid off. Gonna get shearar new but prob fmf used unless i get lucky and find something better
i tend to disagree, i have damn good low end on my power pros and the power rolls on smoothly all the way through the RPMs, it def smoothed out the power band hit that i had with my FMF and DG... yet it added more on top, for my bone stock motor, def the biggest bang for the buck

my blaster doesnt mind being bogged now

btw, FMF and most other left bend pipes have no over-rev (besides sheerer)

i agree with this 100%, people try and hate on power pros style pipes by saying they have no low end, WRONG!! i can chug through the woods in 2nd gear and have instant power when i want it, nice over rev and this thing RIPS mid to top end.