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  • ok. ill take it, whats your paypal ill send the cash when i get paid on sat.
    I am asking $15.00 for the arm and I'm not sure where 02721 is, but I'm sure that $25 should cover everything.
    how much for the lower left arm shipped priority mail to 02721? assuming its in preety good shape dent/balljoint wise.
    YOu really need a manual. Disconnect the cable and push the arm towards the front. If the rear of the arm, that has a point on it doesn't line up with the arrow on the case just below, the clutch needs adjusted from the inside. You do this with the center bolt on the pressure plate. THere is a dot on the clutch boss and another on the pressure plate. These need to align so it sits against the basket. DO you have the ball bearing between the two rods?
    dude i have another problem......clutch isint engauging.. new cable(not exact same but close match) it bein full ajusted and it still wont work... what about ajusting it from the inside??
    125psi stock carb tors is connected..never bein takin out.....
    how do i check the timing???? there is spark....new plug....
    What is your compression? Is it the carb stock and how is the TORS system connected? Is your timing correct? Is it a weak spark or a strong one?

    If you have the correct spark at the correct time and gas, then it must be compression.
    dude.... i rebuilt my blasty.... it wont start up X( im running a stock jet but a fmf fatty ans fmf pc2...... new spark plug. its getting spark getting fuel....new stock reeds...
    any ideas???
    thanks man
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