x-ray of my ankle


New Member
Aug 7, 2010
York, PA
I:Iwell guys guess im not aloud to walk on it anymore got a cast on it now and it hurts even more
yehh haha thought it just be funny i need a laugh right now lol nim goin riding next weekend to no matta wat just dnt think im doin anymore jumps for a while haha... and my doctor circled it.. im like why im not blind i broke my ankle i didnt smash my face.. but owell :) no pain no gain
thought something was fishy that he went to the er got an xray got a picture of the xray and uploaded it in like an hour when i go to the er i st there for like 2 or 3 hours if my arms hanging off unless i got in an ambulance lol
thought something was fishy that he went to the er got an xray got a picture of the xray and uploaded it in like an hour when i go to the er i st there for like 2 or 3 hours if my arms hanging off unless i got in an ambulance lol

haha The left me chillin on the backboard for 30min after i crashed my sportbike, ambulance even brought me. Some of my roadrash started stickin to the board hahaha
What a fukin ahole! Are you an attention whore! Ya lost my respect, Better find a new forum to cry to!
well cole you went from being kinda cool to a lieing retard... got anything to say for yourself? way to go frog, have some green :D
Wish I had more to show for my stupidity. Never actually broken bones. Bruised a rib racing a utility quad but no break. Also I'd rather have a broken ankle than a rib injury any day. I still get pains from that rib almost a year later and it was only a bruise.
Also try harder next time to fake it. With sites like tineye out there, it's entirely possibly to run a reverse search on just about any image posted.