Wheel Spacers ???

i'd get the 4" or 3" to be safe. 5" is alot of stress on the hub and stuff, just get the 3" or 4" one from that same guy on ebay, he's got some good stuff
I run the 5's like that in the rear of my quad.
I'd say your good unless you like to catch big air- then you will most likely bend your axle.
I will say power alone won't beak those lol
i have the 5 inch ones on my rear axle , they are strong , I've jumped on them , typically I ride dunes , but also do some trail riding and they are great . I probably will get rid of them when I get my G-Force Axle , but for now , no worries you'll be happy with them
yep there pretty sweet, definitally worth the money. i got the 5" one on mine front a back for about 6 months now and no complaints. with my banshee im gonna do it right though, extended a arms and an extended axle.