whats the best but cheapest oil to use in the crankcase

the best, but cheapest transmission (not crankcase BTW) fluid I've found to be effective is ATF (automatic transmission fluid). I always *heard* to use ATF Type F (old ford stuff) but I've used Dextron 3 (GM) and ATF +4 (newer Chrysler synthetic stuff) all with great results. It'll run you about $4 a quart but it'll only take 2/3 of a quart each time.
If you are looking for the cheapest oil for your blaster you need to sell your blaster. This is an expensive sport and you need to buy good oil for your blaster. If you decide to spend the money to get good oil, I recommend buying Yamalube
So use trans fluid instead of motor oil that not gona mess up the crank and gears

The crank and gears are physically separated by an aluminum wall. The oil you put into the clutch cover is for the transmission and clutch only. The oil you mix into the gasoline (or put into the injector tank) is for the piston, crankshaft, and wrist pin bearing.

And no, ATF won't hurt the transmission. What is an automatic automobile transmission anyway? About 30 wet fiber clutches discs, 2 fiber lined clutch bands, a bunch of steel clutch discs and a handful of gears. Sounds larger but familiar, huh?
Best and cheapest do not go together. It cost more ether way. You can pay more by using the best oil or you can pay more in repairs by using the cheapest oil.
Thanks guy will make the change I just put new clutch pads in put didn't put fluid in yet ill get that today
( Blasterdemon7 - Best and cheapest do not go together. It cost more ether way. You can pay more by using the best oil or you can pay more in repairs by using the cheapest oil. )

Couldn't agree more bro !
you have to soak the clutch pack in the oil your gonna be using at least over night. helps maintain longer life of the pack.
well they jave ben in the bike for 5 weeks and theres ben oil in it and iv havent started it
that might cause chatter because only the part thats in the fluid is soaking while the rest of the fiber is dry. they recommend soaking wet clutch fibers so they dont over heat the steels right off. a dry fiber will cause hot spots and bluing. also, ive used ford type trans fluid (ATF Type F) in all my wet clutch rides, from the crx250 to the blaster and have never had an issue. that and the different color help sometimes with recognizing contamination and leaks.