ways to prank


New Member
Apr 28, 2009
hey guys anybody know any real good pranks that i could do. i was at my cousins house and i fell asleep so he decided to play a prank on me and now he has started a war that he will not win. anybody know anything i could do?
P.S I want to get him REAL good
glue somthing in the top of his tooth paste bottle and put holes in the bottom so when he squezes it it gets all over him (srry for the spelling lol)
i am not liable or responsible for any of the outcomes if you use my ideas. LOL

you could always seran wrap the top of the toilet.

if your good with cars and he drives wire his horn to his turn signal. wire it to which ever turn signal is closest and when ever he makes and turn the horn will honk every time the blinker blinks.

if he has an atic send him up there for something but take a huge box and fill it with instant mashed potato flakes and hold the flap shut so when he opens the atic steps it like an avalanche.

if he uses the kitchen sink tape the handle on his spray nozel and aim it so when he turns on the sink it automatically sprays him.

theres more just cant think of any right now.

GOOD LUCK and film it somehow.
put butter on his kitchen floor or bedroom floor, as long as its not carpet lol it makes one slippery mess
LMFAO!!!!!!! I would so do that but I'm only going after my cousin I dont want to run the risk of hurting my uncle or aunt
put a big zip-ty on the axle of his car or truck, preferabley in line with the muffler, as he goes down the road it sounds like the valves tapping, but when he stops to listen it stops, it'll drive him nuts tryin to figure it out, i actually had someone take their car to the dealers to have it looked at, luckily they thought it was so funny they didnt charge him nuthin
i also had a guy down the road who gave me some trouble, i went to the sporting goods store and got some skunk scent in a little bottle, it's used to cover your smell while hunting or trapping, i took a syriinge(hypodermic needle) full down the road late at night, stuck it thru the rubber gasket around his window, and unloaded the whole thing into his new car, i saw it go up the road on a flatbed, never to be seen again, fixed his ass, didnt i ???
for the turn sig horn prank heres what you need

2 quick splice connectors
a piece of wire long enough to go from the turn sig to the horn wire

just hook them together and walaa.......its hilarious

the zip tie trick was another one i was gonna mention
hide some sardines up under the gas tank cover, they'll be really stinkin in about a week