Vito's Tors Delete kit


Jun 26, 2009
Just got my delete kit in the mail this afternoon :) Took some time to install it and clean the carb up a little bit. While I was in there I put the FMF 360 Main jet in for stage 2 (with the fmf needle) and adjusted the air screw as per the instructions. All in all the install went way to easy for my liking... hahaha but I am not going to complain one bit. I:I Usually my luck runs the other way. Just need to get the bottom end together now and i'll be in good shape.

sweet better bring it up to williamsport when college starts back up.....and im almost positive ill be at the mopar show in wilpo sept 11th...
just watch that "vito's" idle screw, i lost mine first ride out, maybe a touch of silicon on it to hold it tight after adjustment is done, i ended up gettin a thumb style at the dealer, with a spring tensioner
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I did mine this past weekend while I had the carb off anyway. I installed vito's dual pedal reeds and the tors delete. I was pleasantly surprised how easy the install was and how well it works.

BTW Vito's now sells the spring in their website for $1.85 to be used with their idle set screw in place of the locknut.
just watch that "vito's" idle screw, i lost mine first ride out, maybe a touch of silicon on it to hold it tight after adjustment is done, i ended up gettin a thumb style at the dealer, with a spring tensioner

I appreciate the info :) Any chance you might be able to snap a pic of the thumb style you found at your dealer. Obviously I don't expect you to remove it lol, but if you could snap a pic of the outside of the carb so I have an idea of what to look for at my dealer that would be awesome.

I did mine this past weekend while I had the carb off anyway. I installed vito's dual pedal reeds and the tors delete. I was pleasantly surprised how easy the install was and how well it works.

BTW Vito's now sells the spring in their website for $1.85 to be used with their idle set screw in place of the locknut.

Figures... Lol, definately not worth the shipping cost to get one from vitos now lol.
/\/\/\/\ now why would vito's be selling that spring?????
cause their locknut set-up sucks and falls out, they should be giving that spring, and a new idle screw to all new customers, and those of us who lost there garbage idle screw in the past
i'd never buy another one, get the motion pro kit and save some headaches
The vito's complete kit comes (as stated) with the cap, throttle cable, drill bit, tap, and idle set screw. It works

So far I've had good luck with the idle set screw lock nut. I haven't taken it on a long trail ride or anything but riding out around the yard it's still tight as a drum.

Awk, did you file the angle off of the little tube on yours? I had to get an extra narrow flat file to get down in there and get it really flat so the locknut will work. I can see if the little tube wasn't perfectly flat the locknut wouldn't work very well.
i did file that angle flat, with the same file, even checked it as the nut seated, that screw/nut is just another bullshit vito's product
Well who's to say? Mine might fall out the very next time I crank the motor over...but if it does, I'll be going to the local hardware store to get a $.95 spring to retain it next time. Not hard considering how complete the rest of the kit is to install (and use once it's installed)

Highly recommend doing the tors delete kit whether it's the motion pro or vito's kit. Makes jet changes a LOT easier.
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i havn't lost mine yet, if you guys are losing them i gonna have to keep checking it now
ive installed plenty of these(not on the same carb) with no real problems, some times when i dont use a mill to shorten and level the tube its kinda hard to do and youve gotta get it down pretty far. never lost or had one come loose.imo id take the jam nut over the spring.
Vito's = sh*t!

If you haven't had problems with their products yet, you will! After you have a problem with their products, then you will have a problem with their customer service too! Just a sh*tty, small-time, very unprofessional company all-together. I would NEVER waste my money on their products ever again. Not worth the empty wallet or head ache.