tank of gas how long does it last?


New Member
Jun 13, 2008
How long will a full tank of gas last roughly?

I realize it depends on how hard you ride but im looking for an average estimation?
sea level long island riding dirty lol jk hard they will get like 4-6 hrs of ride time depends on conditions hills,snow,sand those condition the quad will get less mpg
yea for ppl like myself and tj who ride wot about the whole damn time dont get the best mileage..
A lot of it depends on what mods you have and how hard you ride. But I have found the biggest thing for me is the type of riding. If your running around a flat track at WOT your going to use more than if you riding through tight trails where you're mainly in 2nd and 3rd gear. When my blaster was pretty much stock I could all day on a tank on the trails