Spark arrestor help


New Member
Oct 24, 2008
Michigan/ Ohio
I just got my blaster rebuilt in a hurry so that i can get to go to silver lake this weekend with some friends, but i just found out that my new dynoport exhaust has no spark arrestor in it, so my question is has anyone ever made one or know a way to fool the dnr at silver lake to think it has one, i would hate to have to cancel the trip because of this and its to late to order anything and get it here on time, and i know last time i was there they were pretty religous on checking exhausts of two stokes.

Help me out guys!!!!! lol
that works
i know i welded a couple metal screen in there, it worked for the weekend i was there. but on sunday i didn't get let in because of sound 101dbi. but the DNR even noticed the welded in screens and didn't say much, i got the cool DNR, they were teaching the youngins how to do the test and everything.
well i broke down and bought it, and paid for the next day air, so it should be here tomorrow afternoon and i should be good to go to the dunes friday morning