reusing wrist pin

Wiseco piston kits come with a wrist pin in the kit. If there's no other reason (and believe me, there is) to get a wiseco piston kit perhaps it's the fact that they include all of the parts to do it right.

You CAN reuse a wrist pin as long as the small end bearing wasn't the cause of the failure and the pin wasn't damaged by the time it spent in the bottom end. I mean, it's is afterall a polished steel pin, how much can it be damaged at least that you wouldn't be able to tell from a visual inspection and a quick measurement? I would measure it over it's length and look for any scarring or other damage.

I'm not going to lie, I have reused a wrist before but only because I had to pull a bottom end apart for transmission troubles and I took the top end completely down to inspect. I did replace the circlips (ALWAYS replace the circlips, NEVER re-use those) and put it all back together. It ran fine....
Thanks the problem I ran into was all the kits I could find for this old of motor has no pins. The motor runs fine now just looking for more since I am redoing the rest of the quad.
oh that's right this is for a 79 YZ250 right? I was thinking blaster engine, der.

You could probably mange to call someone who has experience with YZ250's and have them cross reference pin sizes to something you can use.