REBUILD First Blaster Ever!


New Member
Aug 10, 2013
Da' Soo in Da' U.P.
As stated in my Intro thread, I picked up a Blaster as a partial trade(Blaster plus $500) on my Ole' Kawasaki KZ440 LTD.

Here's the Old Girl. I Plan on putting the same attitude I put into her, into the Blaster Build.

And here is what the Blaster looked like when I got it from the 17yr old kid.
Torn down and left untouched, and fairly ugly.





Here is what I have gotten done since last Friday on limited time and budget.
I used sprat on Truck bed liner after some light sandblasting to remove gunk and a few layers of rattlecaned pinkish paint. Although after spraying on the Truck bed Liner, I did find a CRACK in the fram that was kinda Camouflaged by the old paint(I should have taken it to bare metal so I noticed it before spraying)


Have I mentioned I love COPPER metalic.... I had a rattlecan lying around from a PC case build, so I shot some parts with primer then the rattlecan to get a visual Idea of how it will look when finished after more sandblasting and laying down lacquer copper.


The Blue will be a lighter blue lacquer(lacquer bonds to plastic) than what was rattlecanned on the plastics previously, although I am planning on making some custom body work(depending on funds... going through divorce), and possibly selling these plastics.

Looking good so far! Are your Daughters helping you? My 5 year old gave me a hand on my rebuild. It was great!

Not really, my 13yr old is in the "I don't want anything to do with you, till you move home" stage, and my 9yr old won't come over unless my 13yr old does.

Besides, I am doing the build in my shop at work, when I have time.

Going to have an expert welding buddy of mine TIG weld it since all I have in my shop is a junk C&H 110v MIG, and an ancient ARC.