new neighbor

mud runner

Jan 19, 2012
leabnon TN
like the title says i got a new neighbor i went and talked to them today because i seen a kx125 and a kx250 and a bunch of other atvs and i got to talking to him and he works on atvs and dirtbikes and he told me he would rebuild my moto4 for $200 and im gonna try to get him to show me how to work on a four stroke motor and im gonna try to buy a kx250 motor he has in his garage to put in my other blaster frame
Sounds like the best neighbor i know!

Ours just gets mad... and lets their dog out when ours are so it gets attacked... Great neighbors... :p
yeah i know i think we are gonna getalong pretty good and he told me where i can get a clutch basket for my blaster and im gonna race him me on my blaster and him on his kx125
It would depend on what he is going to do. 4s aren't that much harder than a 2s, especially when you have a manual (hint)

BTW Good neighbor !!!
It would depend on what he is going to do. 4s aren't that much harder than a 2s, especially when you have a manual (hint)

BTW Good neighbor !!!

that is what he and a few other people have told me but i need some one to show me and even if i knew how to do it i wouldent tear that motor appart because its my dads atv and he would be really mad if i messed somthing up on it but im gonna try to get him to show me how to work on it
I have had the worst luck with neighbors, all he does is smoke cra** all day and yell at himself in the mirror. He also brings lots of sketchy people around.