need help!!!!!


Sep 14, 2013
need help cant get my blaster started!!!! i was out riding and it jus bogged out! i had to get it towed home. but anyways i cheaked my spark first off and it was still real good shocked my self good. so i took the carb off and cheaked my jets and idal, they were fine i took my head and exuast off and couldnt find anything wrong with the piston also cheaked the reeds, i cant think of anything else!!! please help
yep i cheeked that the overflow screw and that was goood and yep had good comp i put it in gear in the yard and help the clutch it but it didnt fully ingage i could still feel the piston going, could that be it?
I know you said the reeds look OK, but double check them.

Check to make sure you have fuel flowing from the tank to the carb, the breather tube on the tank cap should be open and free of obstructions also. Make sure its open and working right.