need help with my carberator

Vermont Woods

New Member
Feb 10, 2010
so i was told my carb needs cleaning so my blaster will run good again... its been sitting a while... I have never had to do this task before but was told its super easy. a buddy told me I need to pull the fuel line hose off the carb and clean the gunk out of the nipple so fuel will properly enter into it. My question is do I need to take the carb off and use carb cleaner or can i just remove the hose from the carb and spray carb cleaner in it and use a toothpick or something small to fish out any gunk? total noob in this area sorry if its a dumb question lol.
take the carb completely off of the bike, and disassemble it to properly clean it.

if you are a little unsure on how it will go back together, get out your digital camera and take pictures as you go along.

whenever I do a carb I clean off my workbench and lay out some paper towels to put the parts on
Make sure you cleN the main and pilot jets real good. I use a bread bag twist tie. I strip the stuff off of it and use the little piece of wire in the middle to clean the holes in the jets.