My New Toy Until I Get Cash for Blaster.

May 18, 2012
Hi guys well im saving up to buy a blaster with as much upgrades as possible. i won't have the cash until after xmas so i thought i might pick up a toy to use until then and one that doesn't require me to buy a trailer to transport.

so i ended up putting a ad up on facebook and got offered Demon X 140cc Pitbike. its perfect size as i can fit it in my mates box trailer until i get a quad then another trailer to transport the blaster.

so here it is

i paid £60/$90 for it. it requires a few things at a total of around £50/$70 £110/$160 to get it done and running. and when times come to get a blaster i can sell it for £400/$600 (thats about $200 of the actual price they go for.

going to call local shop tomorrow and see about ordering the parts which i need are
Head Stock Bearing
Rear wheel Bearings
Second Gear
Fork Seals

all in all i got a bargain and il make money on it later on when it comes time to get a quad ;) going to use this until i have about £1000/$1500 then sell this and buy a blaster with the cash. i have £500/$700 the now put away. still got KTM Engine,Frame,Swingarm And Excel Rims (front and rear) to sell. then and got Rm Engine,Frame,Forks,Seat,Swingarm Blah Blah left. but the parts are selling slow but not as slow as i thought.

oh and the cash i worked for on wednesday the 19th paid for this so i never paid for it out the bike parts cash.
Nice find! You are going to be surprised at how much power that thing has when you're done.

Thanks man :) yeah been looking on youtube lol

iv ordered
Race Cam
Rear Wheel Bearings
Rockstar Graphics
Fork Seals
Gasket Kit
Chain Roller
Oil for engine as guy drained it.(needs a second gear cog but need to order one from a local shop as cant find one on the net.)

been sweet once its done and il still make the cash off it :) going to scrapyard over weekend as I need a carb cap. also going to take my cash I have for quad and see if there is any cheap bikes to fix and sell on.
i got the engine out the bike today and top end off. after thinking about cash,transport etc iv decided just to spend the money on this to fix it and put some racing parts in engine and use it. as i was going to buy a blaster for like £1500-£1800. but i would need to buy a trailer as well,2 stroke oil and petrol. but with this il only need to pay for petrol as i can fit in my my mates box trailer so don't need to buy a trailer to go out. plus my grandad isn't able to take me out all the time and not spending the cash on a blaster etc for it to sit in shed for ages. and its cheap for parts. got a race camshaft coming for it as well which puts about 10HP on the engine. the place im using it anyways a blaster wouldn't get the throttle opened up as its not a very big place. but im happy plus il be able to buy some cheap bikes to fix and sell on :D
Dude, stop spending your money on parts bikes and get ONE fixed up.
Where is the KTM?

This 150 is a yawner. No hope of going much faster. A stock Blaster will smoke it.
Do not waste the cash on "race" parts. If the cam made 10hp more it would almost double the hp but I doubt it.
Lucky for 10% in most cases, which would be less than 2hp.

Nice find! You are going to be surprised at how much power that thing has when you're done.

Yes, very very mildly surprised...


Dude, stop spending your money on parts bikes and get ONE fixed up.
Where is the KTM?

This 150 is a yawner. No hope of going much faster. A stock Blaster will smoke it.
Do not waste the cash on "race" parts. If the cam made 10hp more it would almost double the hp but I doubt it.
Lucky for 10% in most cases, which would be less than 2hp.

Yes, very very mildly surprised...



Read my thoughts, but they were much more funny.
I'm kinda with these guys here. Why did you take the top end off? Was the motor blown? If it were me I would get the parts to get this thing back together for as cheap as possible and ride it or sell it. It is going to be a cheap Chinese toy no matter what you do to it. Here is a picture of mine that I rebuilt recently:

It was in nearly as bad of shape as yours and I spent just over $200 to get it to this point so I can keep beating the hell out of it. No race cam needed, my ginger friend seems to approve.
Dude, stop spending your money on parts bikes and get ONE fixed up.
Where is the KTM?

This 150 is a yawner. No hope of going much faster. A stock Blaster will smoke it.
Do not waste the cash on "race" parts. If the cam made 10hp more it would almost double the hp but I doubt it.
Lucky for 10% in most cases, which would be less than 2hp.

Yes, very very mildly surprised...



the ktm is half gone ended up parting it out as the parts i needed were more than i thought for it. not wanting a quad as i hardly get out the now due grandads health plus i can only get out a weekend that my gran and grandad isn't at my grans brothers. i am lucky to get out 1 every 3 months and not spending all the money on a quad/trailer for it to sit in the shed more than half a year. i would love to have another blaster but the money i spent on my one when i bought it stock. or even buying one with the mods i don't want it sitting about as we have just had new neighbours and there friends with the people that steal the bikes around my area.

I'm kinda with these guys here. Why did you take the top end off? Was the motor blown? If it were me I would get the parts to get this thing back together for as cheap as possible and ride it or sell it. It is going to be a cheap Chinese toy no matter what you do to it. Here is a picture of mine that I rebuilt recently:

It was in nearly as bad of shape as yours and I spent just over $200 to get it to this point so I can keep beating the hell out of it. No race cam needed, my ginger friend seems to approve.

gearbox wasn't selecting second gear. im going to fix it and make it a bigger frame/wheels and use it as you'll see my comment above why.
I am an old guy with 6 running bikes and perhaps another 6 "projects" hanging around the garage. The projects (like the KTM Blaster) are a lot of fun when I finish them, but take a HUGE chunk of time to get done.

I find projects everywhere, $100-$200 each. If I'm not careful I'd fill the garage with them, and never have time for riding. I'd have to work overtime to pay for the stuff to finish them, so even less time for riding. It is hard enough to keep a running bike going, with the time and money it takes in maintenance, let alone building one from a box.

This from a guy who has built many from a box, is keeping half a dozen bikes running and keeps a factory running for a living.

I am an old guy with 6 running bikes and perhaps another 6 "projects" hanging around the garage. The projects (like the KTM Blaster) are a lot of fun when I finish them, but take a HUGE chunk of time to get done.

I find projects everywhere, $100-$200 each. If I'm not careful I'd fill the garage with them, and never have time for riding. I'd have to work overtime to pay for the stuff to finish them, so even less time for riding. It is hard enough to keep a running bike going, with the time and money it takes in maintenance, let alone building one from a box.

This from a guy who has built many from a box, is keeping half a dozen bikes running and keeps a factory running for a living.


yeah man i understand when i first started on bikes/quads around 5-6 years ago i was buying cheap bikes to fix and sell on and i made a few bob doing it. i like working on them more than riding to be honest but i do like to ride sometimes. im starting a course in next few weeks to get qualifications for to get a job as a Quad/Bike Mechanic either a Apprenticeship or something. i like when i have a few bikes lying about as it gives me something to take apart or put together etc reason being when i had my blaster it was always in bits as i never had another toy to tinker with. going to buy and sell cheap bikes like pitbikes(not this one) and other bikes but not getting any chinese quads or crossers only chinese bikes im dealing with is pitbikes as there cheap to get parts to sell on. im trying to get money together as well as i want to have cash there incase i ever need it for things i might need to get a job like a licence or test etc etc. mucking about in my shed is the only thing it gets me out and about apart from when im out sea fishing but i don't go out myself on the streets etc only ever with family or mates like on boat but not drinking blah blah. even my mate i go out with bikes on is moaning at me coz im not buying a blaster but at the end of the day its my money i have been buying bikes with since i first got into them. i use to rely on my gran parents for money to fix them before but i know now im older i need to pay for them myself and the only way im going to be able to have a toy and be able to do repairs to and be able to ride is if i make enough money to buy a toy i want to keep and have money behind me for repairs.
Good answer. :)
Do it cuz you love it, but keep it in perspective.


yeah man i only do it coz i love it. i love working on them im always in my shed and can be upto 10 hours a day lol but at the end of the day if it keeps me out of trouble and keeps sane its all good :)
Sorry I missed the part about the trans before. It seems like you have your head in the right place but I'm still going to recommend that you get this thing back together for as cheaply as possible. Changing the frame/wheels cams etc. is just creating more obstacles for the completion of this project and IMO won't net you a whole lot performance or enjoyment wise.
Sorry I missed the part about the trans before. It seems like you have your head in the right place but I'm still going to recommend that you get this thing back together for as cheaply as possible. Changing the frame/wheels cams etc. is just creating more obstacles for the completion of this project and IMO won't net you a whole lot performance or enjoyment wise.

yeah man iv decided just to finish breaking the rm and ktm bikes i have once there gone im going to see what money i have. il get the pitbike fixed and sell it on and then see what cash i have and il just put my money away until after xmas and il decide whether i want a blaster or not(if i get one it will be already modded). il need to see what cash i have to deal with anyways once im done with breaking these 2 bikes.
yeah man i only do it coz i love it. i love working on them im always in my shed and can be upto 10 hours a day lol but at the end of the day if it keeps me out of trouble and keeps sane its all good :)

10 hours? that all? you not a proper mechanic until you've atleast done an all nighter! :p
well got the parts for the pitbike ;)

got sitting at the moment
New Plastics (White)
New Chain Roller
New Race Carb 26mm
New Wheel Bearings
New Gaskets
New Putoline Oil

Got Coming
New Race Cam
New Seat
New Headstock Bearings

going to hang on to the pitbike for now until i get some qualifications and i get a decent job as i know for a fact i can't run a blaster the now without a job. but my mate and i and skint all the time and having to use a field to get out as he can't afford a track every time. but il still make cash on this pitbike once i do decide to sell and get a blaster as only spent what i need on the parts that were worn/damaged. but il upload pictures once i start as not starting building it until i get the rest of the parts in plus i need to order handguards for it to go with the new plastics :D
Forgot about this thread lol.

build the bike up ;)

i know it has a Stomp seat cover fitted thats the way the seat came new. but at some point il swap it over :)

i also picked up another Pitbike. Stomp 150cc KLX Frame.