My Honda 200s after my wreck


New Member
Jan 20, 2010
Here are a couple of old pictures of my Honda 200s Trike after I wrecked it (long time ago).

The wreck resulted in broken knee cap, torn ACL and shattered pelvis.



The 200s had no rear suspension so we would ride full speed down the center of rail road tracks (Yeah stupid). I use to go down the same tracks every weekend until the day of the wreck.

Someone wedged a railroad tie on the tracks and I never saw it so hit it at full speed. I was with someone on a 200x at the time so he saw everything. I hit it and flew off the trike and landing on the metal rail.

I guess I was lucky :)
i think you mean "ended worse" a broken knee cap, torn acl and shattered pelvis don't sound like a happy ending. glad to see you're still alive man