my 20 minute grab bar


New Member
Jan 9, 2012
harrisburg, pennsylvania
So i had finally got my blaster back together and wanted to ride but i needed a grab bar so i made one quick with what i had laying around. some flat bar and reebar. i cut the flat bar to 10 inches. and then the reebar to 9 i think it was. i layed it on the flat floor to weld it bc i didnt want to do it on the quad and at some point it shifted a little and i cant get it to straighten out. i welded some angle brackets in the corners even though it probably wasnt needed. i didnt paint it yet for two reasons. first is because i plan on adding more on to it like maybe some handles on the sides or some type of 6 pack rack and second of all i didnt have time before i was going riding. the welds arent the best but im only 16 and dont have a ton of experience welding and i didnt have much time so i kinda rushed so its not the prettiest but is definatly strong enough to with stand wheelies,pulling other quads and whatever else i do with it. anyway on with the pics



didnt really have time to clean the welds up

also i drilled the mounting holes a little offset and at an angle so that the grab bar didnt come straight out from the frame but up at a little but of an angle
not bad for a first try
i'd take the grinder to those welds to smooth them a little, and also to those sharp'll hurt a lil less if it rolls on you
ya i did hit the corners of the flat bar with the frinder a little after it was on but if i spend some more time on it i can make it look a lot nicer or i might just build a different one instead