Keihin PE 28 Main Jet Type: Round or Hex


Nov 17, 2011
Dayton, Ohio
I cant figure out what main jet the PE 28 takes. I got my carb off a member on here and he has a round jet installed in it. But when I go to Keihin web site there exploded part view shows a hex main jet. I google it and get mixed results. What type of main jet does this thing need or does it even matter???
Got my jets in from rocky mountain atv and both pilot and mains dont fit??? The N424-21 doesn't fit in the pilot hole and the 99101-357 main will screw into place but when I go to install the quick access nut on the bottom of the carb it wont screw in all the way because its bottoming out on the main jet. I went back to Sudcos website and verified that I got the correct jets and I did. Keihins website also says the same thing. Why dont these jets work for my PE28???