Interesting Harley Aritcle....

Eh, i don't agree with it. Maybe a harley doesn't sound the greatest on paper, but there's just something about the feeling you get on one. I don't own one myself, but I ride my buddy's 87 sportster from time to time, and I love it. I can't put my finger on exactly what it is, but I enjoy riding that sportster just as much as the modern crotch rockets. In my area, harleys are probably more common than in 95% of the rest of the country. I literally live 15 minutes away from the York, PA Harley plant and know a bunch of people that build these bikes.

That said, i'll probably never buy a harley, I just don't fit in with the stereotypical harley rider crowd. I used to have a ninja 250, but sold it a couple years ago after seeing my buddy come inches from death and end up in the hospital for weeks because of a careless driver. Someday i'll probably get a bike again, i'm just going to be damn careful with it and try to avoid traffic whenever possible. My dream bike is an RZ350. There's just something about that 2 stroke twin powerplant rolling on 2 wheels that just makes me giggle like a schoolgirl. That's another machine that doesn't seem all that insane on paper, but just a quick twist of that throttle and you're an addict.