G-Force Axle removal ?????


Staff member
Jan 30, 2009
as some of you may have seen, my RAD carrier has devleoped some play in it between the mounting ears and carrier tube, and has to come out to see if i can have it welded
so i threw new bearings in a stock carrier to use temporarily.

now comes the good part:

the g-force (now tusk) axles use large spring steel c-clips/rings or WTH ever they are called, to hold the various spacers and 3 piece axle locking nut in place
a major problem arises when tryin to remove these, as on assembly, they get forced into a cup shape on the ends of the spacers and axle nut.
my first experience with this was re-arranging the brake hub spacers for the pre 03 carriers, i had to actually cut it all off with a grinder and order new,
now i need to get the axle not off, and am facing the same situation, the c-clip is on it's groove in the axle, and the axle nut cup end is over top of it, making removal next to impossible ??
who's got some experience or ideas on this ????

(i have a spare 3 piece axle locking nut, so the grinder is still an option, but is ridiculous if it comes to that)

a call yesterday to rockymountainatv revealed that they will not put a technician on the phone with customers, only relay info from them to us,
and i was promptly told the tech broke all 3 different tools he tried to use to remove this clip and has no idea how to remove something they so willingly sale us ???

i snapped on them like I haven't had to do in along time...... "so WTF you're telling me is...a G-Force axle is a one time F'n use item, and even though i may have another $4-500 tied up into this whole rear-end, billet - carrier/brake and sprocket hubs
is all F'n garbage now becuse you folks sale us all something that cannot be removed after it is installed " ?????

dead silence on the phone till i asked her if the cat has her tongue ?...."i don't know what to tell you sir"
i told her i'll be calling back daily to see if they found a solution to removing these axles, and if not I will be going on one of my crusades to be sure everyone knows about this and hope they never sale another axle...ever.

bottom line is...spend the few extra dollars and buy the lone star or dura-blue axles !!!!

end rant
as some of you may have seen, my RAD carrier has devleoped some play in it between the mounting ears and carrier tube, and has to come out to see if i can have it welded
so i threw new bearings in a stock carrier to use temporarily.

now comes the good part:

the g-force (now tusk) axles use large spring steel c-clips/rings or WTH ever they are called, to hold the various spacers and 3 piece axle locking nut in place
a major problem arises when tryin to remove these, as on assembly, they get forced into a cup shape on the ends of the spacers and axle nut.
my first experience with this was re-arranging the brake hub spacers for the pre 03 carriers, i had to actually cut it all off with a grinder and order new,
now i need to get the axle not off, and am facing the same situation, the c-clip is on it's groove in the axle, and the axle nut cup end is over top of it, making removal next to impossible ??
who's got some experience or ideas on this ????

a call yesterday to rockymountainatv revealed that they will not put a technician on the phone with customers, only relay info from them to us,
and i was promptly told the tech broke all 3 different tools he tried to use to remove this clip and has no idea how to remove something they so willingly sale us ???

i snapped on them like I haven't had to do in along time...... "so WTF you're telling me is...a G-Force axle is a one time F'n use item, and even though i may have another $4-500 tied up into this whole rear-end, billet - carrier/brake and sprocket hubs
is all F'n garbage now becuse you folks sale us all something that cannot be removed after it is installed " ?????

dead silence on the phone till i asked her if the cat has her tongue ?...."i don't know what to tell you sir"
i told her i'll be calling back daily to see if they found a solution to removing these axles, and if not I will be going on one of my crusades to be sure everyone knows about this and hope they never sale another axle...ever.

bottom line is...spend the few extra dollars and buy the lone star or dura-blue axles !!!!

end rant

hmmm really? i got one off in a pinch at the first busco with the awesome help of batt and freek. let me look at mine when i get home to refresh my memory but im pretty sure you just use 2 big ass flatheads and pry the c clip off then if you dont mange it you can reshape it back to reuse in a vise like i did. thats why the roundhouse swinger and carrier setup is a great option when riding rough rocks and what have you, they cant get side to side movement ever and super easy to adjust the chain. i love my g-force axle for what its worth but they are a pita if you have to remove it
Gotta picture of this thing AWK?
I have a lot of industrial experience with every sort of "C" type snap ring imaginable.

Is it this type here:

If so, you need this type of plier here:


I got it, it seems there was a buildup of old grease and dirt inside the locking nut that was keeping it from unscrewing Enuf to expose the c-clip, once I ran it back and forth a few times it worked itself loose Enuf and the clip came right off.
The fact still stands that the rmatv technician must have been having the same troubles, and broke 3 tools trying to remove it, then left me hanging with an "I don't know what to tell you " answer

Thanx for the input guys!
Well hey , You got it off ! , Can't believe the customer service you had to deal with , That's some shady stuff , I don't know what to tell you sir , Is not an answer you expect from a company like that , Glad you have it apart so you can fix it !
just a little heads up of what i was dealing with for anyone else who may encounter similar problems with the g-force axle..............

this first pic is of the 3 piece locknut, and where the grease/dirt had built up, preventing it from adjusting enuf to expose the c-clip for removal, this side of the nut is not visible when installed, it rests tight against the sprocket hub...........


this pic shows the groove in the axle, now exposed enuf to remove/install the c-clip.....


and i finally determined that it is the g-force axle, not the rad carrier (i added both at the same time) that requires spacers for my gsxr brake kit, seems the axle holds the disc out further than a stock axle ???
guess i'll have to add that to the info i require before building any more brake systems ???..........

Man that is strange you had issues like this. I used this axle since day 1 and it was in a stock carrier with no issues. Our blaster was an 06, not sure if that matters. As for the ring I have a set of spreader pliers I bought 20 yrs ago off the snap on truck and they also work great but I also believe I just pried it out with a big flat screwdriver once also during our 2012 rebuild.