First try at splitting Case


Oct 3, 2014
I got bored over the last few weeks and decided split the spare case from a carcass that had a dropped skirt.
Any ideas on getting the crank rod out of stator side? Or discuss the chip out of the top stator cover.


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seeing how the stator cover is right there you could seal it/but it will be temporarily and look weird.
or get another case.
the chain might have broke that?
There is a racing shop near my place that says on the front they do aluminum welding. Hoping it could be filled and cleaned up to the point the gasket fit around it.

Its off a $100 carcass, I have know idea what those teens did to this poor thing.

She'll need a new crank but every thing else looks ship shape. Other than the stator mount has a hunk out of it.
I talked to a racing shop shop today and said they could clean and fill the area provided the aluminum is able to accept the weld. 35$. I would grind it, lap it and reform it. Seems like a good try to get the case useable. Need to get the clutch seal and bearing out do to the heat.

Now to get a crank puller.