
The Blaster in the avatar top end last for 4 yrs at 50:1 only until I changed it over to alky and didn't quit have the jets drilled big enough and leaned it out. It's amazing how quickly it rev'd even after the plug wire was pulled, kill switch off and with my hand on the back of the carb.
Also I have a Banshee with 40 hrs on a fresh top end, and two Blasters with about 20 hrs a piece of them with fresh top ends. I bought both Blasters non running this spring and put in the top ends. Bought the Banshee two years ago and the top end was weak but I rebuilt it before a week riding vacation. No problems at all at 50:1.
well then maybe i'll lean out the mixture a little if you guys are havin succes like that. hope putting on my f7 pipe wont cause any problems after i jet it. Tim Lutz i notice your in ohio just wondering what jets are you running
It's in my sig. 280 and it's fat but going to leave it that way for the winter in case I do any snow or ice riding. The needle clip is in the stock position.