
2006 blaster

New Member
Feb 11, 2012
Mayville, ND
hey, i need help...i was just starting my blaster and ounce i got it running it took off like 2 ft ...then i let the clutch out like almost all the way and it barely takes off....i am sure its the clutch so if i get a new one what kind? ......are they hard to put in? thanks
tear it down first, almost sounds like the ball bearing welded to the internal rod ??
there are clutch disc thickness specs in the manual, found in the general support section here
i'd look into it before ordering one, but...the tusk clutches are only around $30 on ebay
yeah...then it took off likea couple feet..

that tells me the clutch is indeed engaging and may not be bad,
but you may have welded the ball to the rod, the internal rod adjustment may have come loose, or the cable is fray/stretched beyond use ???
just some thoughts to look into before ordering a clutch kit
thanks...i can still drive it around fine it just starts and moves forward...maybe my cable that engages the clutch is loose and needs to be tightened...thanks
pull the clutch lever and see if it's moving the acuator arm down under the carb on the shifter side ???