Cleaning Rust Off FMF Pipe

yo i had the same problem my brother lefy my blasty in the rain for about a year and a half before i brought her in fixed her and gave her a HOME ha but yeah my brother had a nice new chrome fmf.. when i got the thing it was brown.. what i did was i took steal wool and glass cleaner and i just sprayed to lubercate and i steal wooled the hell out of the thing.. i mean the tight packed steak wool.. um but yeah.. it never shined but at least the rust was gone thus making its life longer... sooo when ithen did is i bought thermal flat black spray paint.. the kind ppl use to paint old grills. anyway its great tho people with stock blasters think its stock and its not so when i race them and win they scratch there head and im like yeahhh shes allll stock i gues u just arent as good a rider as me.. hahahah its greaaat people feel like they just got sh*t on and they let it get to there head and they ride like 40 feet behind the rest of the day hahahahah but yes just do that its alot easier and looks better, remember to use layers dont put it on thick and dont touch it until theres at least 3 layers on it. and DONT forget to rejet ur stock carb to 240!
PB Blaster works wonders & starts breaking down rust immediately. I used that stuff along with a wire brush on the cordless screw gun and brought pipes down to bare metal. I wouldn't dare suggest that wire wheel but you can get something way softer to work over nickle.. Not hard work at all, let the tools do it themselves.

Before and After:
I used a course wire brush wheel then a fine wire brush wheel then i went back over it with the polishing wheel and it brought it back to a shine. not a new shine but close.