Cheatin French

i understand that none taken!
i just think any kind of cheating is wrong and we need all the support we can get so any support is very grateful :D
This was the first chance in a long time to get to the finals
and last chance for many of the older players on the IRISH team
thanks anyway :)
being a rangers man myself i hope they dont have a replay, its was a handball but it happens all the time anyway no chance as france are one of the biggest teams in the world as though the are going to let ireland in and lose that revenue
yeah i am the whole country are upset n angry!
basically Thierry Henry kept the ball in play which led to a goal d the ball was offside! Now we are demanding a replay as we are out of the world cup now and we were by far the better team and dont desreve to go out in such a way!! there is going to be a march tomorrow to the french embassy! almost 300,00 people joined the partition now! Chances are strongly against us as we are a small country and the president of fifa is french! check up the incident on youtube...
yeah they did Announce that but if we push enough they wont just leave it especially if ther sponsors are pushing them!
also 80% of french people want a replay! Thierry Henry captain told interviewers thAT a replay is the fair solution!
if they come under enough pressure from people/clubs/sponsors and french Fans they may just give in!:D
Is there a petition for leaving france to go through? :p

Being english, I don't know which I'd want more, French or Irish? :p
I think what happened is a disgrace but i don't remember marching to the Argentinian embassy when a certain incident happened with a certain Mr Maradonna?

Unlucky Ireland, its only another four year. Keep watching that Rugby Union sport, I heard you managed a draw the other week?
Is there a petition for leaving france to go through? :p

Being english, I don't know which I'd want more, French or Irish? :p
I think what happened is a disgrace but i don't remember marching to the Argentinian embassy when a certain incident happened with a certain Mr Maradonna?

Unlucky Ireland, its only another four year. Keep watching that Rugby Union sport, I heard you managed a draw the other week?


as much as i hate roy keane everything he came out and said was spot on
its over nw pretty much nyways!
hes a dickhead likr going on sayin its in the past forget about it and he den uses it as an excuse to bring up the past wtf was he on about like :L
rest of it was quite true doh :S