06 wiring

blasty 95

May 15, 2011
I'm getting ready to pick up an 06 blaster mods are right bend pipe f7 +3 crank, diamond j widening kit an swingarm ext kit an dg bumper. he said it runs good up to 3rd gear an falls on it face an cuts off. He said he thinks its in the wiring is there any difference in the wiring? From 02 to 03-06 ik the stators are different...
Sad to c the tri-z go but its gona take a lot of money to even get it near rideable.
Yes difference in wiring, before you delete anything get it running stock so you know that the wiring, cdi is good, I have been fighting this 05 wiring- I do believe I have a bad CDI and or stator. For 88-02 to delete the tors, you just unplug the tors box, unplug the throttle switch, the carb switch.

For the 03-06 You have to unplug the carb, throttle switch, and jumper them together, I believe you can just jumper one as the switches are wired in series. I decided to solder my connections.

The CDI boxes changed, 03-06 is one big box, they added brake lights and parking brake around 02.
falls on it's face? low compression, too lean, bout to blow me thinks...better go over it with a fine tooth comb.