Recent content by smoukidouki

  1. S

    Brake line for +3 swingarm..

    thanks man yeah they are deep with those rimms it looks nice wide
  2. S

    Brake line for +3 swingarm..

    thanks but my old ones fitted ...i made a rtest ride today and i love the new swingarm are some pics i made today .. im still not don yet..
  3. S

    Brake line for +3 swingarm..

    sure ,im from germany ....its a 2003 ...i took it appart and painted renewed some stuff trhats why its looks so clean ,i will be putting the engine back in tommorow i make some more pics of it all as long as its still clean ...cant wait to make a test ride whith the new stuff on it
  4. S

    Brake line for +3 swingarm..

    sorry for thge size of the pic ....the stock swingarm is on the pic too...i was thinking the same thing ,cause i read a lot here in forum that you need a longer line but when i putted it together to messure the lenght it just fitted .... the bolts on both ends of the line on the stock...
  5. S

    Brake line for +3 swingarm..

    :)......the line had a little play room in the stock swingarm and i think it is a stock line its 61 cm ....... here is a pic...
  6. S

    Brake line for +3 swingarm..

    I putted the swinagarm today on the blaster and its funny but my stock break line fit...thx again
  7. S

    My Blaster vs 80's & 85's Dirbikes.

    Yeah and they fugin laud ..i was wondering if its possible to copy the port timing of the dirtbike to the blaster ??
  8. S

    My Blaster vs 80's & 85's Dirbikes.

    I have a friend who is riding an 82, Honda cr 80 and its fast ...Last time we raced eachother i paased him but i had problems ........slowly...... whith my allmost stock blaster .... its sooooo hard to keep up whith him when his little beast hits the powerband ,this little thing got like twin...
  9. S

    Brake line for +3 swingarm..

    thx for the pic....i found some whith 700mm lenght, its a litle longer but i think it should work the way you did it ...thx again
  10. S

    where are you living at ? the shipping is sometimes more expensive than the item

    where are you living at ? the shipping is sometimes more expensive than the item
  11. S

    Brake line for +3 swingarm..

    ok thx...i ordered a Banshee chain ... as prolly will most other streebike lines that use a 10mm banjo bolt....I try this... can i just leave the line a little longer ? does this affect the breaks ?
  12. S

    Brake line for +3 swingarm..

    hey... the swingarm +3 i ordered should arrive in few days and i wannt to have all the stuff i need to just install it right away ... The problem is that i can not find any brake line for it here should be a +3 inch brake line i think ? ... I found some on ebay but its in the USA and...
  13. S

    new tire 19x6x10 what rims ?

    sorry ....yes its a front tire size ... Its 19x6x10 (165/70/10)..what wheel does fit this tire ? there a thumb roulle for tire/wheel size ? tire 19x6x10--------wheel 10x5------------------>good tire 19x6x10--------wheel 10x6------------------>better/not good tire 19x6x10--------wheel...
  14. S

    new tire 19x6x10 what rims ?

    what rims would you recomend for this tire 19x6x10 ?.....i dont want it to be a baloon wheel ,its should be kind of straight up and flat on the top ....the tire itself looks like that thinking of getting the douglas wheel...should i get 10x6 or 10x5 ? thx
  15. S

    New brake Hadles..

    I know the front break pump on my blaster is a NISSIN but i cant find any more info to it ,can somebody help me here