Recent content by moppymcjones86

  1. moppymcjones86


    LMAO its not showing up though.. aaaooohh ya.. I'm retarded, have to let it show.
  2. moppymcjones86


    Drifz!!!!!! you are my new HERO. after you just posted that it finally poped up in my user cp!!! I love you in a man friend way!
  3. moppymcjones86

    internet game........

    I'm jealous!! send one my way
  4. moppymcjones86


    I wish it was that easy! It says I'm not allowed one! someone told me i have to have 30 posts and i have 30 posts...
  5. moppymcjones86

    internet game........

    there's a whole lotta fail flyin round these parts today
  6. moppymcjones86

    internet game........

    my favorite was "hmmm. sucker punch comes out today" or "are you sure you didn't mean to send that to andy or sean."
  7. moppymcjones86


    why am i still not allowed to have a signature!!! WHY do you hate me so!
  8. moppymcjones86

    internet game........

    well.... that didn't go well
  9. moppymcjones86

    Advanced timing/Running a larger carb DYNO EXAMPLE

    sweet, now i want to do it!
  10. moppymcjones86

    Removing Stickers

    If you ever remove stickers from metal I've found that spraying it with brake cleaner and lighting it on fire does the trick! :-)
  11. moppymcjones86

    spray painting in the winter??

    I just left the cans inside and put a sunflower heater on my pieces for like an hour. But i tend to never do things they way they should be done...
  12. moppymcjones86

    YFZ450 front and rear :)

    Do they just bolt right up?
  13. moppymcjones86

    Up the ramp and it dies! AOOH NO!

    Well I completely assembled this bad boy, minus motor... and drove it down to the shed. THEN, as i ram it up into the shed cause i was too lazy too put ramps up it died. I did not check spark, but it has good fuel still. let's just say i may or may not have checked how much oil i mixed in my...
  14. moppymcjones86

    Free Manufacturers Decals

    Also, alot of the email links are dead! anyone have a updated list?
  15. moppymcjones86

    Free Manufacturers Decals

    The email doesn't work for Fly Racing, you have to send a sase to Fly Racing Attn Sticker Request 601 E Gowen Rd. Boise Idaho 83716