Recent content by blaster1

  1. blaster1

    Re:2004 Blaster for sale cheap in IL 1,100 obo

    where ya at in IL?
  2. blaster1

    after market pipe f/s

  3. blaster1

    after market pipe f/s

    this pipe is pretty much new,if you dont want it do not reply...OBO MEANS OR BEST OFFER.....if you want it send a offer.....
  4. blaster1

    after market pipe f/s

    if you want to spend a 100 bux more go do it do whore up my is like new anyway..
  5. blaster1

    after market pipe f/s

    fmf fatty pipe and fmf power core 2 silencer. 230 obo (OBO):-D shipped for pics send me a pm...
  6. blaster1

    2001 yamaha warrior for sale.

  7. blaster1

    2005 rmz250for sale 4 stroke

  8. blaster1

    2005 rmz250for sale 4 stroke

    i have had this bike for sale for 3 months and no one has even replied to it so i am gunna try it here.i am only getting rid of it becuse i go my kxf..... it is a suzuki rmz 250 dirt bike i need it gone asap so i can get the rest of my x mas gifts..1700 obo:( it is in rockford IL)
  9. blaster1

    Lockport And Homer Glenn

    isn't that the same trails that connect to lamont,il? close to the B M canal?
  10. blaster1

    Selling The Blasty

    the new ones do but not the older ones..
  11. blaster1


    check the reed gasket, my old blaster blew the reed gasket on a back fire..
  12. blaster1

    Are DVX 400 any good?

    Image of kawi tag on a suzuki - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting a lil blurry but you can tell what it says... oh by the way i would go with a 400ex they are tanks real low mantaince, tons of power
  13. blaster1

    Are DVX 400 any good?

    i can go take a pic right now, if you want to see?
  14. blaster1

    Are DVX 400 any good?

    no suzuki has a kawi tag...
  15. blaster1

    Are DVX 400 any good?

    i'm pretty sure kawi makes them not suzuki..i know my buddys rmz 250's motor is made by kawi.....