Where can I find some 50th anniversay graphics??????


Built not bought
Feb 10, 2012
Since my wife doesn't want the blaster I built for her anymore I need to find some graphics. Out with the pink in with the yellow! I have an anniversary r6 and I want this to match. I have googled and googled and I can't find them. I know they came on the shee's, not sure if the came on the crappies. Doesn't have to be for a blaster I'll make them fit. Any ideas?
not sure about the grafix, but it's now time to change that user name to "mikesblaster"
Looks like they will fit good with the hood I'm using. The rear fenders are yfz style so it sould work good.
Those graphics look nice but they are for sure a little steep.I am sure you could save some money and have some made elsewhere.I also hear Eric at decal pros makes them.I have had him do some other stuff for me and hey came out real nice.I like the theme you are going for.:)
I sent decal pros a pm. I'm not going to buy them until I hear from him. Not only are they a lil steep, they are for a yfz 450. Which means I will have to do the best I can to make them fit. Hopefully I hear back from him soon or I'm buying them.