what's a better billet clutch basket???

  • Thread starter fasterblaster89
  • Start date


I have heard that Hinson billet clutch baskets were the best, then I hear that Barnett billet clutch baskets were the best because they had a snugger fit on the crank shaft and they had steel inserts to make the basket last longer. I have also heard that moose was better then the two, so i need your guy's opinion.

What the lightest, strongest billet clutch basket out there?
I would also like to no, who makes the best clutches out there for a high performance blaster? ( I plan on racing it this summer so i will take a beating)
Any billet basket ia much better than stock, whatever you decide will be money well spent. As far as the clutches, any but Tusk will be fine.

There is only one thing that makes clutches hold up, proper adjustment!!!

Our blaster motor takes a beating every year and stands up to the task. I replace the clutch maybe every other year, due to proper adjustment and an oil change after every race.

Oil is cheap compared to the alternative.