Silver Lake

well maybe you can help out with an argument a friend and i are having. he thinks his kfx400 will toast my banshee. both are stock how was the yfz on the bashee? was it close?
youll have to let me know when the dunes open up... I live in Green Bay WI but I am thinking of taking a ride down or over to Silver Lake Dunes this summer. Never rode dunes before and always wanted to
Have you ever used the SS Badger?? It tells me that I can jump on it in Manitowac and itll bring me over to Ludington. How far is that from Silver Lake dunes?
Yeah I thought it was an awsome idea since manitowac is only 35 min from me. So ill have under an hour of driving. Now if I can figure out ferry fares, from thier website it says its gonna cost me like 70 a person and 110 for a truck and a trailer. Maybe Im reading wrong or maybe its that expensive???