
Because the blaster specific rear tires & rims are only found on the blaster, they tend to be priced a bit higher. My first blaster tires were 4-ply holeshots from rockymountain atv and they were about $65 a tire deliverd.

When I switched to a banshee axle, I found some rear yfz hubs off of CL for $10 and then a full set of four YFZ rolled-lip rims with good rubber for $50 (which was a killer deal). So point being, investing a few bones in rear hubs from a warrior, raptor, yfz or bansee will give you more tire and rim choices......which will save you $ in the long run and the hubs will pay for themselves.

The front rims are the same for all the yamaha's so the warrior, raptor, yfz's & banshees will all fit as is.
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