open fitting under carb inlet


New Member
Oct 12, 2010
on my 2003 blaster there is a brass fitting (looks like a hose fitting) directly underneath the butterfly. It has never been hooked up since i have owned it. any idea what it is and if something should be hooked to it?

should it be utilized on the newer style blaster? i still utilize my oil injection or at least i thought i did.........
here's what i'm talking about
overflow outlet. no big deal. they come factory with about a 5 inch rubber line pointed down so when your bowl overflows it doesnt run all over your swingarm. you can either put a line or leave it be.
but for the love of blaster gods clean that f*cking carb before you do anything else. a hose was put there at the factory so i would put one on if i was you
if you ride through mud, i would put a hose on. just take your vent hose from the your gas cap and take it to your local hardware store and match it up. get one the same size. and yes. please clean your carb. i keep mine spotless. no rust what so ever.
Actually that is the float bowl drain. Screw is accessible from left side. Overflow is higher up and towards front of carb and has a tube on it. There's also one on left side of carb.

That is one of the nastiest looking carbs I have ever seen. :eek: Hope the inside isn't like that :-/ . You do use an air cleaner don"t you?
yes i use the stock air box and it actually has a new filter, dirty state is a combination of neglect from the previous owner, and us mud running last summer. If time permits i'm going to tear it down this summer or next winter if we have the paintroom complete and repaint the thing.