omg! there is gas everywhere!

One of my friends whas trying to get his bosses jet ski running. He called and said he had left the hose on and the motor was full of water. I told him to take the engine out turn it upside down and turn it over to get the water out. He called back 1/2 hour later and asked if I wanted to buy a burned down jet ski. So it wasnt water in the engine it was gas. He didnt take the engine out he just took the plugs out and started turning it over with his finger on the spark plug holes. One of the coil wires must have sparked off to something and BOOM. The ignition wires melted so the starter was turning over pumping even more gas out of now melted gas lines. He said he ran and got a fire exstinguisher but it was empty.I:I I am sure his boss was real happy with his handywork.
On My old race bike, I have a 4 gallon hand made aluminum tank (aftermarket blaster tanks werent even thought of) Due to the vibration and pounding the alum tanks lasted about 2 seasons before they started cracking along the seams. I was doing a 250 mile race and early on it started a crack along the bottom edge. which started leaking gas down my boot. I finised the race, but having my my boot half filled with 110 octane race gas for 200+ miles... my foot turned black, skin peeled and damn it burned/itched for a 2 weeks.....