kx250 blaster

kx250 vs kx250 blaster

  • kx250 dirt bike

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • kx 250 blaster

    Votes: 8 88.9%

  • Total voters

mud runner

Jan 19, 2012
leabnon TN
ok synce I have 2 extra blaster frames and tons of other parts for blasters and 2 kx 250s im thinking about building a kx 250 blaster but im not sure yet what do yall think I should do it or not
well I was talking to my dad and said we can do it we just have to get the vehicles fixed (3rd power steering pump in my dads truck in 2 months and finish fixing my green truck) but I set the motor in the frame and the hardest part I think is going to be the exaust
well it looks like its going in the blaster frame what radiator should I put on it I don't wanna use the radiator that came off of the bike I would like to use a atv radiator and what piston should I put in it
I wouldn't dirtbikes are way more fun! have one of each! thats just me. its cool build except you dont have much to start off. especially when it would come to stoppin a beast like that. jus my op. good luck!
I wouldn't dirtbikes are way more fun! have one of each! thats just me. its cool build except you dont have much to start off. especially when it would come to stoppin a beast like that. jus my op. good luck!

I know dirtbikes are fun my neighbor has a 00 yz 250 and a crf 250 and there fun but I would hurt myself on a 250 dirtbike
maybe not on a 250 four stroke they have fun overall power. the yz 250 couldn't tell ya. but my yz 125 is a real @$$ buster

the yz 250 pick the front end up in 3rd gear by just giving it a lil gas and he had a kx 125 and I dident like it because you had to keep the rpms up really high
yeah the 250 2 stroke you can lug it vs the yz 125 u gotta basically keep them pinned

If I was gonna have a 250 dirt bike as bad as I hate to say this it would be a 4 poke any ideas on what the stock bore is for the kx 250 because I need to mesure the cylinder so I can buy a piston
Get a +2 swinger

Look up something for the piston? ebay? Or just bring it to a shop and see what they say.

Blaster frame will be a lot of fun, not as fast as the bike frame would be (tire size) but you could gear it for that. I would just leave the gearing as the bikes, tons of torque then.

Radiator- You could run the stock bike one for a while, just rig up some pipe clamps and make a secure frame for it, no welding required.

ATV radiator, maybe banshee? I think most coolant lines are the same size. Would you put a battery on it and run a fan? Or minimal wire harness??
Get a +2 swinger

Look up something for the piston? ebay? Or just bring it to a shop and see what they say.

Blaster frame will be a lot of fun, not as fast as the bike frame would be (tire size) but you could gear it for that. I would just leave the gearing as the bikes, tons of torque then.

Radiator- You could run the stock bike one for a while, just rig up some pipe clamps and make a secure frame for it, no welding required.

ATV radiator, maybe banshee? I think most coolant lines are the same size. Would you put a battery on it and run a fan? Or minimal wire harness??

I was looking at some radiators on ebay and im probably gonna get a shee radiator and id rig up the wires for the fan
I think it could beat one! Take your time and do it right. If it takes a year longer, that's how it has to be. Make the engine mounts sturdy
I think it could beat one! Take your time and do it right. If it takes a year longer, that's how it has to be. Make the engine mounts sturdy

im going to I want it to be right and not half assed and the moror mounts im gonna make them as strong as I possably can because I don't wanna be riding it and the motor fall out of the frame and synce its a Kawasaki motor what do yall think about kawi green frame and black plastics with monster graphic kit