GRRRR help please


New Member
Mar 23, 2013
570 PA
ok my quad was flooding a week ago AND wouldnt start now it wont just start it wont do anything it has a nice spark geting gas idk what to do and it sucks i owned it for a year only rode once please help
Maybe try turning off your gas before leaving it for a year.

Check the float in the carb for cracks or filled with gas.
Float level should be 21mm
Letting fuel sit in a carby for an extended period will cause the formation of varnish and can block every jet in the carb.

The needle and seat also becomes contaminated and will allow excess fuel to the float bowl.

You need to scrupiously clean the carby.

A leak test would too be a great idea, I do believe that Awk08 has made some testers.

Leak testing should be done at least twice a season.
A little more info would be nice.When was the last time it ran correctly? You state it was flooding a week ago but now it doesn't do anything.But also just stated it is not flooding now.What was done to correct that flooding problem? What is it not doing now? Have you checked compression?Done a leak down test?Have you checked your spark plug or replaced it? Have you dissasembled and cleaned the carb correctly?Are you running premix with oil block off or stock injection pump? Has the carb been off recently?Ethanol in todays pump gas is not good for any engine.It should never be left in the bike for an extended period of time.
ok my quad was flooding a week ago AND wouldnt start now it wont just start it wont do anything it has a nice spark geting gas idk what to do and it sucks i owned it for a year only rode once please help

NO thats all fine it just stoped last weak if it vgeting enough gas its fine not like its flooding

So is it flooding or not?

If it has flooded the crancase could be full of gas and oil.

Sounds like you have inherited some crap in the needle and seat assembly.