

New Member
Oct 6, 2013
I didn't see anything about clutches really so could someone resurrect a clutch page or put some info in here?

I was tearing my quad clutch down and started wondering how to tell if my clutch is good or not, what are the things I should look for? At the very bottom there's a ring under the nut to hold my basket on and the ring (or washer I guess) is bent slightly on one side, and on the other it is pressed against the bolt. What can this be? Rebend and continue orrr do I need another job?:eek:
you should always replace that bent locking washer, re-bending it risks it breaking and all hell breaking loose inside there.

the clutch fiber thickness specs are in the downloadable manual...

when in doubt, replace for around $30ish for the tusk kit

and there are at least 2 clutch assembly vids on here...

and in the KOR engine assembly vids:
Agreed. I'm not ruining my engine, again, should I just upgrade to a Tusk Heavy Duty Clutch now? Replace that part and have the engine prepared for future work
My clutch felt fine when I rode it but I'm left with the assumption that they are stock from 1999 because everything else is...I know minor work was done to the quad but I'm not sure if this was in the list, might just stick with a washer replacement to save the $$ for when I need a clutch