check this blaster out!!

Wait a minute... Im not a motor specialist or anything.. But damn is that a 465 cc motor for real? It looks small... I didnt know you could fit that big a motor on a blasty and have that much clearance. I would maybe go 1500 if i rode it and it really was "the sh*t". Other than the motor he didnt really mention too many other goodies on it.
Yeah if it were raced out (axles, a-arms, tires, wheels) I would deffinetly pay 2700 for it if I could ever have that much money without spending it.
I was thinking the same thing about the motor, definetly looks small. Custom plastics and color scheme, really thats all he could come up with as a selling point. I understand if done right that there is alot of time put into it but not $2700 worth.